Corona Virus Positive Psychology

Being Positive doesn’t mean you don’t need Help!

Sunflowers need sun and that’s why flowers look towards the sun. Positive people also need care. “One patient I know was very positive and everyone looked up to him. However, during these COVID – 19 times, he couldn’t accept the change of using the house as a workplace with wife and kids being around the entire time. He got stressed and during that month he needed that extra care and attention. With the help of PsychOnline’s help, he got therapy and got cured.”  says Richard from Colorado.

Just because you are positive doesn’t mean that you always have the best times. Positive people wear this “don’t care” as a mask. One of the common things that we see among positive people is that the survivor instinct and the need to win which makes their will power strong. They are used to constantly caring, loving, and being there for other people which makes them a stronger person. However, they can become emotionally drained. Richard says, “He took to PsychOnline to have him see a mental health professional,  it got better and we as a family got back on track”.

We are in tough times during COVID. Giving ourselves the sense of gratitude for good health and providing prayers for others makes us a stronger positive person. As a provider, reach out to your patients’ family members to see how you can help.

PsychOnline makes it seamless to see more patients in an hour. It is very efficient to see more patients in one hour due to all features in one login – it includes a detailed  EMR, quick e-prescribing, easy to use scheduling, rich video conferencing. Give us a call for a demo at 617-909-4766 or email at [email protected].

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